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A New Wave of Talent: careers in aquaculture

A New Wave of Talent: careers in aquaculture

A New Wave of Talent: careers in aquaculture

22/01/20, 00:00

WiSA, SAIC and Lantra have joined forces to create a campaign that highlights the varied and rewarding careers offered by Scotland’s aquaculture sector.

With this cross-channel, collaborative campaign, we hope to encourage more young people to choose aquaculture as a career destination. 

In the run-up to the launch event 22 January 2020, we had seven short films produced to showcase young people in aquaculture, their careers and aspirations, and the advice they would give to school leavers and undergraduates who might be considering entering the sector.

You can view the videos following the links below, and join the conversation on #BeTheNewWave

Future plans for the campaign include taking the films to the Northern and Western Isles of Scotland on a high school road trip, and also to provide high schools and colleges in relevant areas with a ‘New Wave of Talent’ kit for careers advisors and pupils to use.

In the meantime, have a look at the Lantra Scotland website for further information on relevant job roles and courses, or check out the news and events pages here on the WiSA site. And don't forget that SAIC runs some fantastic skills and training courses, as well as sponsoring MSc and PhD places - find out more here!

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